Friday, January 28, 2022

Marketing Music 101

HEY Y'ALL!  Welcome or welcome back to my blog!! 😁

Whether it's listening to it while doing homework, dancing to it on TikTok, or just mouthing the lyrics, music is a gift I would never want taken away.  Sometimes when I've had a rough day at school or when I'm feeling anxious or overwhelmed, just taking a minute to listen to one of my favorite songs helps me relax and distract me from those negative thoughts.  

I was assigned a project for my Media Studies class, and I was excited because it was based on music.  We have to pick a song and pretend it will be released for the first time, and then create a marketing campaign.  In this blog post, I will be sharing my brainstorming plans that are completed, are yet to be completed, and I will be providing some feedback and advice for you people that want to make music in the future.  Enough chit-chat.  Let's "listen" in!  (Get it? Haha!)

The Research

This project is very time-consuming and has several components within it, our teacher has laid out a whole plan and process for us.  After introducing myself to my group and getting to know each other, we began the first part of our project: Researching.

First, we had to choose our case studies.  According to, a case study "is an in-depth study of one person, group, or event."  For some reason, this was the most difficult part of the project when it should've been the easiest.  Although there are many alternative singers and bands, we were still struggling to find people who had "alternative" or "indie" in their genres.  I noticed that several artists were labeled "alternative," but their songs weren't.  We finally chose our (two) companies and (four) case studies!  (It took some time, but we did it!)

Now that we had our case studies, it was time to research...yay.      Our teacher was kind enough to offer us charts to organize the information we would gather.  For efficiency, we divided up the work; since there were four of us, we were each assigned a case study.  I had the task to research Fall Out Boy; one of my group members listed important topics to state including marketing strategies, distribution methods, and audience interaction.  As soon as my group members and I knew what to research, we finished our charts in no time.  

Music Marketing Campaign

Next, we had to create a marketing campaign for our song.  For those of you who were like me and have no idea what marketing campaigns are, they are plans of actions to reach a certain company objective.  Our goals are to promote our song, make it popular, and thus making money.  Here, I will explain the steps that we took/will take to reach these goals.  

The very first step is to find a music singer/band name.  After many suggestions were made, one of my group members said, "How about SparkPlug?"  That's how the name came to be; "SparkPlug" is catchy, which will help us with promotion because it's likely that people will remember it.  Our group made SparkPlug an all-women band with a lead singer; this setup connects to the message of our song, "empowerment," because women tend to be weak in people's eyes.  Our group and song are meant to prove that statement wrong.  

After we decided on the name, my group and I had to choose convenient social media platforms for our band.  The social media accounts that we are choosing to do are:
                        - TikTok- for glow-up transitions and mouthing lyrics; we can pay celebrities to make it go viral
                        - Instagram- for live streams and Q&A's; this will help SparkPlug interact with their fans 
                        - Twitter- for important announcements and updates; this will also help us interact with fans

Designing a logo was our next task.  Here's a picture of our logo:

I love this design; the colors really go well together, and my favorite part of this design is where we added the battery in the back.  This battery in the back symbolizes the "spark" in "SparkPlug."  

Finally, we collaborated with different companies to boost our band's popularity.  The collaborations we did were Vans and Monster.  With Vans, we designed SparkPlug's own shoes.

We made sure that the colors corresponded with our logo and that our shoes contained originality.  I love these shoes, especially because we added the band's name on the shoes; I think this particular inclusion will also help us promote the band.  We also collaborated with Monster and created our own drink.

At first, we weren't sure what color to use since several of them are already taken.  Then we realized we could use a combination of colors, just like the SparkPlug Vans shoes.  My favorite part of this drink is the red lightning bolt in the background; I also like how on the top of the drink, it says "The Man," and this will help to promote our song.  

Lastly, we made SparkPlug merch to hand out in concerts and different functions.  

Future Plans-Presentation

Right now, we are working on the third part of the project: The Presentation.  Last Wednesday, we created the PowerPoint and discussed the necessities to include in our presentation.  Today, we were building on the information we said the previous class and began working on our slides.  This is our outline for what we plan to complete before the deadline:
              - Finish filming and editing our music video.  (We also have to create a video for the song)
              - Review the social media accounts.  (Make sure everything is intact and posted)
              - Outline campaign with samples of marketing products.  
              - Create a final statement addressing major selling points of plan

While completing all of this, we will have every-other day discussions on what we think, bringing out old ideas and/or reflecting new ideas.  

Finally, we will review everything together before submitting our work.


Our project for the most part was smooth sailing; we were able to meet most of the deadlines for our tasks.  We did have some challenges when finding time to brainstorm as a group and gather information for our project.  

So, there's my whole plan and everything you need to know about marketing music.  Please tell others about my blog so we can keep enlarging our family :)

Love you guys, and have an arimazing day!

(Screenshots of my planning and group planning)

Media Marketing 101 Part 2

 HEY Y'ALL!  Welcome or welcome back to my blog!! 😁 In this blog post, we are continuing the process of how to market music and seeing ...